Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Pruning, Pups, Reading, and Roadtriping

The upkeep of our house has included pruning olive trees and taking care of Gaia and her eight puppies. Luckily someone else did the pruning and burning of branches, but the puppies are still ours. They're incredibly cute but no one seems to want them because they're mutts. I guess folks in Rome don't appreciate hybrid vigor. The kids and their friends love playing with the pups, making them perfect pets for a family. Any takers?

We returned from a great drive to Barcelona last week. It was a wonderful trip, and I'll supply photos and details soon.

I just read The Hummingbird's Daughter with my bookclub. It's a sort of historical fiction written by a wonderful storyteller, Luis Alberto Urrea. There are many Christian and liberation theology themes that have been considered heretical by the Catholic church but more than inspiring to Native Mexicans. I highly recommend the book.